イタリア - Puglia ベッド&ブレックファスト

イタリア - Puglia ベッド&ブレックファスト

Donna Giulia Donna Giulia (Bed and Breakfast)
Duchessa d'Andria
Duchessa d'Andria Duchessa d'Andria (Bed and Breakfast)
E.T. E.T. (Bed and Breakfast)
Eraclei in Gallipoli Eraclei in Gallipoli (Bed and Breakfast)
Eroi del Mare Eroi del Mare (Bed and Breakfast)
F.G. F.G. (Bed and Breakfast)
Fornaini Maria G. Fornaini Maria G. (Bed and Breakfast)
Gentile Giuseppina Gentile Giuseppina (Bed and Breakfast)
Giovanni Caputo Giovanni Caputo (Bed and Breakfast)
Girasoli Girasoli (Bed and Breakfast)

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